Online Zoom Forum:


Illuminating Wisdom:

Sacred Shamanic Practice of Ritual

for Integration of Self.


Facilitator: Anáire.

Chair: Phyllida Anam-Áire.

Date: Sunday 13 October 2024.
Time: 6pm-8.30pm (UK time).


Event Description: Often described as one of the oldest spiritual practices of humanity, Shamanism transcends the boundaries of culture and time and has played a significant part in maintaining wellbeing within the Indigenous communities.

This interactive event will create a space to assist you to explore your inner terrain and allow for a deeper understanding of self.

Where we are able to tap into the ancient wisdom of our ancestors and be supported by Shamanic practice and tradition.

Through the power of Sacred Ritual we are able to be present with ourselves and to integrate what needs to move through us.

Anáire invites you to collaborate with her in Ritual, which will allow us to move beyond the boundaries of belief systems into the sacred space of transformation.

To facilitate the practice you are invited to bring 2 tokens from Nature. This may be a stone, a leaf, earth, wood etc., what ever you are drawn to.


Bio: As a Shamanic Practitioner Anáire (hitherto, known as Teresa) is no stranger to the benefits of Shamanic Practice and Tradition.

As a Nurse and Therapist she maintained her deep connection to Nature and has incorporated the natural environment into her Therapeutic work.

At present she is apprentice to Phyllida Anam-Áire in watching with the dying.




Online Zoom Workshop:

Our Natural Emotions and the Gifts of Grief.

Facilitator: Jacob Watson.  
Chair: Phyllida Anam-Áire.
Date: Sunday 27 October 2024.
Time: 4.30pm-8.30pm (UK time).

Description: The purposes and distortions of the natural emotions and grief and its potential gifts.
Participants are encouraged to bring their feelings and their open hearts.
Opportunities are available to discover, accept and express the natural emotions.

Jacob Watson:
Jacob Watson provides spiritual companionship for individuals and groups.
He is an ordained interfaith minister and was a staff member with the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Center, and a Hospice Chaplain.
Jacob co-founded Collins Brook School (a Summerhill school), the Center for Grieving Children, and the interfaith Chaplaincy Institute of Maine.
His meditations and teachings are available on Insight Timer.
Jacob is the author of Enso Morning: Daily Meditation Gifts and Essence: The Emotional Path to Spirit.
He offers workshops in person and on Zoom entitled Releasing the Natural Emotions, and Gifts of Grief, the title of his new book

Phyllida Anam-Áire:
Phyllida Anam-Áire is a grandmother, a former Irish nun, author, poet and therapist.
She has worked extensively with the sick and dying and has just finished her 5th book.
Now at 80 years of age, she is truly in love with her beautiful life and grateful for it too.
Phyllida lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Online Zoom Workshop Series:

Introduction to the Teachings of the Cauldron.


Online Zoom Workshop Series:

Teachings of the Cauldron,

5, 26 October, 16 November, and 7 December 2024.



Facilitators: Phyllida Anam-Áire and Croilán.


Times: 4pm-7pm (UK time).

Event Description: 

The Teachings of the Cauldron are inspired by Phyllida Anam Aire, who since 1999 has been teaching from her roots in Celtic Consciousness.

After many years of intense grief work with Elizabeth Kubler Ross MD, Phyllida realized the vast difference between knowledge acquired through intellect and cognitive understanding, and wisdom which comes from emotions and experiences that have been integrated into the heart, into love.

The Celtic Cauldron of Brigid holds within it wisdom from the ages, it is a symbolic representation of soul, which holds without judgement all the experiences, thoughts and behaviors of humanity from the beginning of time as in the Akashic records. And when we are called through the dark night of the ego to climb into this Cauldron, we will know that deep healing has begun.
In these experiential gatherings we learn from our personal experiences to recognize our natural spiritual teachers. And we will focus in sharing, witnessing, movement, sounding and ritual to understand what it takes to parent our ego and our emotions so that we might become more conscious.


Important Practical Information:

Maximum 20 participants.

All cameras need to be kept on for the duration of the session.

One person per camera/device.

Commitment to all 4 dates is needed to participate.


Online Zoom Workshop:

Our Birth Starsign does Matter - 

The Wisdom of Soul Choice in Incarnation:

                                                                                                 An invitation to rethink and reheart astronomical and astrological reunion in ourselves anew.

                                                                                 Facilitator: Sólasan Elina von Herzklang

Chair: Aoisanam

Date: Sunday 25 February 2024
Time: 6.30pm-9pm (UK time)

                                                                                                 Event Description: This interactive, experiential workshop will offer us the opportunity to look at "how choices we make are influenced by our birth sign" and we are invited to remember and re-embrace the wisdom of soul choice at incarnation.

Solasan invites you to rethink our zodiac sign as a cosmic gift to support us living fully.

                                                                                                        You will be invited to reflect on whether you too recognize the influence of your birth zodiac sign and if there might be more to discover than you ever thought.                                                                                  

Sólasan will teach you her creative way of self-exploration that you can pursue for yourself.


Important practical information:

1. All cameras need to be on for the duration of the workshop with the exception of a short break.

2. Bring a small mirror and a tea light or candle with something to light it with.

2. Bring a notebook and a pen.


Sólasan Elina von Herzklang:

Sólasan Elina von Herzklang (Black Forrest, Germany), mother of five, Birth and End of Life Doula, Singer-Songwriter, Poet and Storyteller. Researcher in the cosmic humanity alignments and the 13. starsign. Sólasan is a Priestess and Initiate of Brigid of Ireland. Her devotion is to also be a Guardian and Teacher of the Gutha (Celtic mantras).


Bio: Aoisanam has been working in the field of psychotherapy and personal development for almost 20 years. Her personal quest has led her to explore different spiritual traditions. She has rooted herself in Shamanism and Celtic Consciousness. Aoisanam was initiated in the Order of Brigid in 2018. The Teachings of the Cauldron and being in Nature are an inspiration to her work as well as daily living. Her work nowadays focuses on healing (ancestral) trauma by facilitating Family Constellations and Systemic Rituals.


  to join click here


Facilitator: Phyllida Anam-Áire.

Dates: Sundays 1, 8, 15, 22 September, and 6 October 2024.
Time: 6pm-8.30pm (UK time).

Phyllida Anam-Áire will offer an Intensive on Conscious Dying.

NB: As this course is a continuum, you need to be present for all five sessions otherwise, please don’t register.

The final session will be a consolidation session.

Numbers limited to 20 participants.

NB: The cut off date for registration will be Saturday 10 August 2024. After this date you will be too late to register.

NB: Bookings will be taken on a first come, first served basis by payment. No places will be reserved.

NB: The series is anticipated to fully book up quite fast.

NB: This is only for new participants who did not participate in the March 2024 series.


Important Practical Information:

This Intensive is for you if you would wish to learn with loving others, how to prepare for your own death and have a devotion to watch with others, in their dying experiences.

In these experiential and expressive gatherings you will be invited to share emotions in a loving place within the community of gatherers.

It would be essential that you attend from a safe QUIET environment at home, affording you space to express.

Phyllida Anam-Áire:
Phyllida Anam-Áire, a former Irish nun, as well as grandmother and therapist, who trained with Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D., has worked extensively with the sick and dying.
Also a songwriter, she has taught Celtic Gutha or Caoineadh, Irish songs or sounds of mourning/keening.
The author of A Celtic Book of Dying, Celtic Consciousness in Contemporary Living, Let Love Heal, and now in the process of writing two more books to be published in 2024.
Phyllida lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.



Ancestral Beliefs and Their Impact on our Health.


Facilitator: Alannu – Doris Hogger.

Chair: Phyllida Anam Aire.


Date: Sunday 28 January 2024.
Time: 6.30pm-9pm (UK time).


Event Description: This interactive, experimental workshop is held by the Teachings of the Cauldron (Celtic Consciousness).


We will have opportunity to look at the impact ancestral beliefs have on our health.

We will also share own stories, self-inquiry, reflection, witnessing, and sacred ritual.


Alannu will teach you a beautiful exercise to bring an ancestral impact into the compassionate universal heart love.

Online booking here



De Kracht van Boosheid (voor vrouwen)


Boosheid is een natuurlijke emotie. Boosheid – in zuivere vorm – wijst je de weg naar jouw “nee”, en vanuit dit “nee” kan een ja geboren worden. Het geeft je toegang tot de bron van innerlijke kracht, beschermt je en wijst je de weg.
Veel vrouwen hebben niet geleerd om op een constructieve wijze uiting te geven aan hun boosheid. Ze hebben geleerd het in te slikken, omdat het ongewenst was. Boosheid is een energie die niet verdwijnt door het binnen te houden. Het zal andere wegen vinden om naar buiten te komen. Net zoals water altijd naar de laagste plek zal stromen, vindt boosheid de weg van de minste weerstand. Ongeuite boosheid kan gaan lekken in pinnige opmerkingen, sarcasme of de toon waarop je iets zegt. Het kan leiden tot depressie, zelfdestructie (verslaving), afhankelijkheid, sub-assertiviteit en een gebrek aan levenslust.
Wil jij je boosheid bevrijden en daarmee je kracht hervinden, dan is deze serie van 3 bijeenkomsten iets voor jou. Je leert om zuivere boosheid te onderscheiden van woede, afgunst, irritatie. Je leert uiting te geven aan je boosheid, waardoor je die niet langer met je mee hoeft te dragen. Boosheid kan dan een bron van kracht worden i.p.v. een monster dat op de loer ligt en je de stuipen op het lijf jaagt.


Wanneer: 3 februari, 24 februari en 16 maart 2024
Waar: Omgeving Schoorl (45 minuten met de auto vanaf Amsterdam, exacte adres volgt bij bevestiging van deelname)
Tijd: 13.00 – 17.30 uur
Kosten: € 150, –

Aanmelden: stuur een mailtje naar

Je bent van harte welkom!

Jolanda Aoisanam

De Kracht van Boosheid (voor vrouwen)



2023, Oktober 23 - 27


Gemeinsam mit unseren deutschen Schwestern werden wir die Wunden des Krieges, aber auch andere, persönliche Traumata und das Land selbst heilen.

Wenn Sie an dieser Art von Ritualen interessiert sind, senden Sie bitte eine Nachricht an:

Together with our German sisters we will heal the wounds of war as well as other/personal trauma and the land itself.

If you are interested in these kind of rituals, please send a message to:

Samen met onze Duitse zusters brengen wij door  middel van rituelen heling voor oude oorlogswonden en andere (persoonlijke) trauma’s en het land.

Als je geïnteresseerd bent in dergelijke rituelen, stuur dan een bericht naar:

